Workoutideen für Zuhause

Liebe CrossFitter/innen,
Für die Zeit des Lockdowns haben wir Euch mal eine Auswahl an verschiedenen Workouts zusammengestellt, die jeder Zuhause machen kann. Bitte auch immer schön warm machen vorher, damit keine Verletzungen passieren.
Gerne könnt Ihr auch bei unseren Online-Workouts am Montag und Freitag dabei sein.
Meldet Euch wenn Fragen sind…

Euer CFC Team


50-40-30-20-10 reps, for time of: 
Double Under (Alt: imitate jumpe Rope)



5 Pull-ups(Alt.: banded Rows)

10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats 


For time: 
100 Pull-ups (Alt.: banded Rows)
100 Push-ups 
100 Sit-ups 
100 Air Squats


For time: 

Row, 500 m (Alt. Run)
40 Air Squats 
30 Sit-ups 
20 Push-ups 
10 Pull-ups (Alt.: banded Rows)

AbMat Sit Up:

For time: 
100 AbMat Sit-ups

Double Unders:

For time: 

100 Double Unders (Alt: imitate jumpe Rope)


For time: 

100 Burpees

Run and Ab

4 rounds for time of: 

Run, 400 m 
50 Air Squats

Death by Burpee:

With a continuously running clock perform: 
1 Burpee in the first 1 min 
2 Burpees in the second 1 min 
3 Burpees in the third 1 min … 
Continuing this for as long as you are able.

CrossFit Games Open 21.1 – Rx’d 

For time: 
1 Wall Walk 
10 Double Unders (Alt: imitate jumpe Rope)
3 Wall Walks 
30 Double Unders 
6 Wall Walks 
60 Double Unders 
9 Wall Walks 
90 Double Unders 
15 Wall Walks 
150 Double Unders 
21 Wall Walks 
210 Double Unders 

Time cap: 15 mins

FT: Walking Lunge 400 m

For time: 

Walking Lunge, 400 m 
Log time and note number of steps. 

FT: Run, Double Unders and Burpees

For time: 
Run, 500 m 
150 Double Unders (Alt: imitate jumpe Rope)
50 Burpees


5 rounds for time of: 
Bear Crawl, 100 ft 
Standing Broad Jump, 100 ft 
After every 5 broad jumps complete 3 burpees. If you’ve got a 20 lbs vest or body armor, wear it

AMRAP 15 mins: Runs and Push-ups

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of: 
Run, 250 m 
25 Push-ups

CrossFit Games Regional 11.1 

For time: 
Run, 1000 m 
30 Handstand Push Ups (Alt. Pike Push Ups)
Row, 1000 m (Alt. Run)


For time: 
50x Burpee + Push-up + Jumping Jack + Sit-up + Handstand

8 RFT: Burpees, Jumping Alternating Lunges, Double Unders and Shuttle Runs 

8 rounds for time of: 
10 Burpees 
15 Jumping Alternating Lunges 
20 Double Unders 
Shuttle Run, 25 yd (5 x 5 yds) 
Rest 1:30

4 RFT: Walking Lunges and Sit-ups 

4 rounds for time of: 
Walking Lunge, 50 m 
50 Abmat Sit-ups

3 RFT: Walking Lunges, Air Squats and Back Extensions

3 rounds for time of: 
Walking Lunge, 100 ft
50 Air Squats 
25 Back Extensions